Just a few of the kind comments, testimonials, and reviews we're grateful for at Planning.je.

Natalie Mayer Skate Space St Ouen Jersey

“I highly recommend Planning.je. I'm working on a community project which will rejuvenate an old church in St Ouen and bring it back into community use. The building is Grade II listed and has some but not all original features. For our planning application, we needed a window survey, and I was recommended to chat with Brett.

He came out very quickly to assess what was needed, and I did a tour of the old building with him. The depth of Brett's knowledge was absolutely fascinating, it was like taking a tour with an archaeologist!

I have been around the church with various experts many times, but Brett, by far, taught me the most about the remaining features, and what to look for when assessing them. I think his experience as a heritage joiner has given him an understanding of details that is above and beyond. He showed me old signatures of the workmen who had built the place over 150 years ago, and the beautiful old windows, which I've looked at many times, suddenly took on a new life. He taught me how to spot old from new, and we figured out what had been done to them over time.

Thank you, Brett! And also thank you for understanding the community value of this project and being so on the case with getting onto our report!”