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Professional job specifications

Larger developments will typically commission a Quantity Surveyor or Site Manager to assess and guide on; cost expectations, procuring quotes, and commissioning services.

With smaller developments, this is often undertaken directly by the property owner or the main contractor, with verbal and ad-hoc agreements.

However, it is valuable to have dedicated procurement experience, processes, and relevant documentation available for all sizes of projects — to protect your time and investment from uncertainty or unexpected costs.

The best insurance is one you never need. Planning all the details of a project from the beginning can be the best cover you can have against delays and unexpected expenses.

Detailed plans and job specifications help ensure your work is undertaken and completed — to the standard you expected from the outset — safely, on time, and on budget.

When it comes to signing-off your project, you'll have a complete reference for all that was commissioned, agreed, and guaranteed.

We set the scene for a successful completion before work is started. Then, payment requests can be matched to expected work, and released with confidence.

Our job specifications and requests for quotations service

Share your high-level brief with us. We'll then book a site assessment to get a more detailed understanding of the project.

We'll draw up plans, and write up a professional job specification. This is then used to request quotes that can be delivered within your accompanying terms of engagement.

Then, we can circulate this to pre-approved property service partners, confident that understandings are clear from the outset.

Whether working with your preferred contacts, our recommendations, or both — we work to get you the best value for money.

By ensuring you have the professional documentation, it becomes easier to communicate, commission, and manage a project through to completion.

Quotations are often required for any insurance claims, or finance applications, too.

Having this formality undertaken by our 3rd-party services can ensure you have all the information, necessary quotations, and supporting documentation — to progress your claims, applications, and proceed with the work in confidence.

Commissioning a quotations service

If you are working with an Architect, Insurance Loss Adjuster, Property Manager, Builder or Trader, please pass our details onto them to commission, with a link to this page.

If you are commissioning or managing your project directly, please use our booking form to find a time that suits you, to discuss.

There is a small amount of form-filling we need from you for a site visit. We aim to make these forms clear and minimal, but detailed enough to ensure a comprehensive service, and audit-trail of all details for your records. You will receive a confirmation email and a PDF copy of each form submission.

The quoting and booking process

Book a Free Requests for Quotations Consultancy Call, in the first instance, to check that you need this service, and explain the situation.


We'll ask you to complete the free Site Assessment Form, to ensure we have all the necessary details for a timely and safe appointment.

Then, you can book a suitable time for your Free Requests for Quotations Site Assessment Visit.

We will review the situation and quote on your options.

For smaller projects, we may also be able to undertake the survey on this visit, subject to availability. We'll discuss this on the initial phone call.

Once agreeable, you can then book the Full Requests for Quotations Service — at a time to suit you, for the expected access and any preferred supervision needs.

Anything else?

That's it for the form-filling on your side, everything else can be done by email and follow-up phone calls — to discuss findings, and any next steps.

Turnaround times

We aim to complete reports within 3-5 business days, subject to workloads, and will advise you more on current timing expectations at each stage.

All services

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Try our Planning AI assistant, by clicking on the icon at the bottom-right of every page.

It's trained specifically for Jersey Planning needs, laws and guidance — and way more advanced than any chat you might have tried before.

Give it a try with your most challenging questions and requests, and let us know how it works for you.

Contact us

Still have questions, or something to share?

Please, message us here at anytime, and we'll endeavour to get back to you the same or next day:

Contact Form
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